Keynote SpeakerJessica Bonar
Jessica’s purpose statement is, “I must inspire people with simple solutions to complex problems that will change their life.” This is what drives and fuels her in all things; as a businesswoman, as mother of two, as a friend, as a mentor, and as an Inspirational Speaker. As a feisty, independent woman she embraces that she is a deep feeler and explores life with a vulnerability that creates connections of depth and breadth with people of all walks of life. She considers coffee a love language. A dog will put an instant smile on her face. And, if stranded on a desert island, the presence of creamy, Jif peanut butter will boost her morale ten-fold.
Jessica Bonar - SpeakerHas positively impacted the following companies

“There is no expiration date on the opportunity for a better life.” – Jessica Bonar
Jessica’s laugh can be heard from down the hall or across the room. It’s loud and boisterous. It makes you smile when you hear it. Especially when you know how hard she’s worked to feel that kind of happiness, when you know what she has overcome to find joy. A repeated victim of what she refers to as “self-made misery”, Jessica is a comeback kid. From a drug addicted woman living in a flop house to a respected professional in her community, with motherhood straightening her out, to alcohol sucking her right back into “The Pit”, she took a meandering path to happiness to be sure. Along the way, she has always been a keen observer of her life and found the pursuit of being a person of grace, dignity, and self-respect was available to her, no matter where she had traveled. She is a trusted friend, and a woman that is invested in connecting with everyone she can in a deeply affecting way.
Amazing Speaker
- Erica
Project Manager